Monday, October 19, 2009

Paid Statutory Holiday's

Please note, that I have closed Val's Butterfly Garden Childcare in September of 2013 as I am working in Full Day Kindergarten.  
As Per Contract:


I will not provide care on any major holidays. Val’s Butterfly Garden Child Care will be closed and regular payment for these observed holidays will be charged. Even if you are taking time off at Christmas, these fees will be due. They are major holidays and I am closed regardless of your vacation schedule.

Should a statutory holiday fall on a Saturday, I will be closed on the Friday before, on a Sunday, I will be closed on the following Monday. Alternatively, If the Friday or Monday is already a scheduled stat., the day will be taken on the Thurs. prior or Tues. following. Regular payments of fees are due on all statutory holidays scheduled for care.  Please note that New Years Eve and Christmas Eve are included in my Paid Statutory Holidays as contracted and the above rules also apply to these days.

New Years Eve
New Years Day
Family Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day
Canada Day
Civic Holiday
Labour Day
Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Day
Boxing Day

Please arrange for back-up care if needed. I can provide you with the number of a backup provider if you are in need. I cannot guarantee her availability. You will also be responsible for payment of her fees for those days as well.

These are paid holidays and your fee will not be reduced during my closure for these Holidays. Please note that if you intend on taking holidays during this time, my regular fee for the Statutory Holidays is still due, and you will only need to use the excess amount of days required for your vacation. These days are paid and the appropriate (2 weeks) written notice is required for anything over 1 day off.

Email Val

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