Monday, October 19, 2009

Contact Val & Copyright Information

For best results, Email Val at
I apologize in advance for delayed responses.  I do not check this email frequently when I am at full capacity. Please note, that I have closed Val's Butterfly Garden Childcare in September of 2013 as I am working in Full Day Kindergarten.  

Alternatively, you may leave a message for Val at 905 727 7360

Please note the copyright on the right-hand side of this page. I worked extremely hard to build my website and frequently discover copied materials on other local childcare advertising. The content of this website is my Intellectual Property, it is under copyright and a no right-click code has been applied to prevent copying by unscrupulous or uninformed visitors.  Please know that my philosophies and website content originated here, from years of experience as an Early Childhood Educator. The content of my blog is a published work and automatically protected by copyright.  A copyright notice has been added to the sidebar of this website just as a reminder to others that this work is protected.  If I discover my materials have been copied, I will contact you to remove my content and I will report it via the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice. 

A warning about a provider who would take the time to type out another provider's content, they haven't taken the time to consider their own philosophies or describe their own true experience.

I urge you to educate yourself about intellectual property rights. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has several online publications that explain copyright issues. The World Intellectual Property Organization has an especially helpful pamphlet geared to kids that explains copyrights and what we can use from the Web in our own work.

Wordpress blog will be reported on this form.
The Typepad form is here.
Blogger's is here.

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